WITH respect to fellow former mod Pete House who had a letter published on October 10 suggesting it is down to the EU that Royal Mail are selling off its parcel delivery service, the sell-off has nothing to do with our membership of the EU, it is a decision made by our Conservative-led Government.

Present staff are being given shares in the new company. It also allows the new company to openly compete with its rivals and indeed, possibly expand across Europe, also beyond.

I ask Pete a simple question – how many firms in this country rely upon shareholders for their existence? The answer is, many.

And yet, the Labour Party for an example, never appreciate that. Also shareholders are taxed on their return, when there is one. They take the risk, instead of going to the taxpayers to finance statecontrolled businesses. Which then fail!

Pete, be a mod, (modern) and move on, and not live in the 1950s-60s or possibly even the 1970s.