IT IS easy to deal with unwanted phone calls with most of today’s modern telephones.

Firstly you must have caller display. If you do not recognise the caller’s number or it is withheld, you let it ring and go to answer phone or voice mail. Hardly any of the cold callers leave a message. No message means it is not important. 

If they leave a message it then becomes your choice as to whether you speak to them or not. Second, most phones have a ‘block number’ option. You simply block the unwanted number and that’s the end of it.

I doubt if we will ever be free of unwanted calls but this system certainly reduces them to a minimum. If you do not answer they give up and pester someone else.

If you do not have a telephone with the facilities required, I hope your budget will stretch to buying one as you will get a lot of satisfaction from eradicating this problem.

JOHN LINSDELL, Southampton