WHEN Angela C Broad (Soapbox, March 7) writes that “man-made climate change is real” she ignores the corruption of climate change science behind this anthropogenic (man made) Global Warming scare.

The AGW scare has been the main feature in the “Notes for Policy Makers” in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations.

In November 2009 the corrupt science behind AGW was exposed in leaked emails among the IPCC’s ruling elite, known as Climategate.

The Climategate emails were often between Michael Mann in the USA, and Phil Jones the head of the Hadley Climate Research Unit in the UK. Michael Mann’s “Hockey Stick” graph of 1997 [shaped like an ice hockey stick] is the Holy Grail of AGW.

It says that global temperatures have rocketed up recently to unprecedented levels. But Mann withholds background data for the Hockey Stick graph.

By 2003 the statisticians Steve McIntyre AND Ross McKitrick had exposed the computer program behind the graph.

They showed that it could make a graph, shaped like an ice hockey stick, out of almost any raw data.

In the Climategate emails Phil Jones writes “The two Ms (McIntyre& McKitrick) have been after the CRU station data for years; if they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send it to anyone”.

In summer 2009 Jones announced that most of Hadley CRU’s raw data from weather stations around the world had “got lost”.

Refusal to share background data is corrupt scientific practice.

The scientific case for man-made climate change is riddled with corruption, just like the IPCC and the United Nations.

RALPH PROTHERO, Southampton.