DURING the last ten years I have fractured my leg, had breast cancer and taken voluntary redundancy (ie, one year’s small salary).

I am dependent on my bus pass and a good bus service.

During my three weeks of radiotherapy when I had to attend hospital daily, my pass was invaluable.

I often had to travel prior to 9.30am, and it would have been very expensive if I’d had to pay for all those journeys.

I am 66, single and a non car owner.

I was an avid cyclist (didn’t know what a bus was!) but health issues have curtailed my cycling.

I’ve had my bus pass since its invention and it’s totally changed and improved the quality of my life, enabling me to be more independent and yes, I unashamedly use my pass to escape the city, which I think is essential for my health and well-being.

I feel so sorry for people who may be facing cuts which may threaten their day-to-day survival and any quality of life they may have.

At least within the city, the bus services where I live are still pretty good.

However, I feel, sadly, I may be trapped living in the city forever, partly because of the threat to regular public transport anywhere else.

I can see the day when the only people who live outside of cities will have to be car owners.

I, like many others, could be more than happy to pay a nominal fare if it saved the bus pass in its current form and services.

I also feel there should be a cut-off – say around £30K – and that anyone with more income than that has no entitlement to pension benefits such as bus pass, winter fuel allowance, £10 Christmas bonus.

My income is around £11K and I claim no benefits.

A devoted fan of the bus pass – name & address supplied