AM I the only person beginning to feel like a slightly second-class Southampton resident by Councillor Royston Smith’s “Made in Southampton” theme?

I was “made” in Kent, London and Brighton but moved to Southampton nearly 30 years ago and have happily brought up a family, worked in local mental health services and volunteered in city organisations.

I like to think I have done my bit for the city. The implication seems to be that Rowenna Davis, Labour candidate for Southampton Itchen, who moved to the city about two years ago, will be less able than himself to represent the interests of Southampton people.

But perhaps she is a good example of one of the many people who choose to move to this city and contribute to its life and development.

Surely we need to acknowledge the worth of all the city’s residents and make our political choices on factors other than place of birth?

ISABEL LEWZEY, Southampton.