How interesting it was to learn that the German academic who claims that EU immigrants have added £5 billion to the Exchequer is the same man who, in 2003, assured us that the number of people who would move to the UK the following year from the ‘accession countries’ of eastern Europe would be 13,000 (it was 129,000).

A few days later the head of the CBI is telling the PM not to limit EU immigration just as we learn that his organisation has received £800,000 from the European Commission!

This is the same lobby group that loudly demanded that Britain join the euro and prophesied economic doom otherwise.

Incidentally, those who care about animal welfare and still think European federalism is OK ought to know that the EU is spending £13.5m of increased UK contributions (for the Common Agricultural Policy) to subsidise bullfighting in Spain.

That this medieval barbarism is still legal in western Europe beggars belief. The fact that Brussels hands our money to Spanish farmers to breed fighting bulls is simply obscene.

Meanwhile, for the 19th year in succession, the EU’s auditors cannot account for several billion euros gone missing.

Colin Hingston, Southampton.