At long last!

Simon Letts, leader of Southampton City Council, is echoing my sentiments about our annual Christmas offering, that I have been banging on about for years. “Could do better,” as reported in the Echo!

It may supposedly attract 200,000 people, although how that is measured is questionable.

To me the market has always presented itself as rather tacky and lacking quality, relying on too many food outlets, and this city has been short-changed in regard to Christmas decorations for years.

Compared to other villages and towns in our locality, in my opinion, Southampton rates quite low in its efforts to make the city attractive at this time of year. When did you even last see a proper Christmas tree in the city?

People need to experience a proper Christmas market elsewhere to appreciate what we as a city are missing out on.

I even asked the question last year why the new expensive Guildhall Square wasn’t being used, and was informed by a council employee that there wasn’t enough “footfall” to warrant any expense.

Bit of a waste then!

So I’m rather glad that Mr Letts is disappointed, and I hope he manages to change things for the better next year.

Yes, times are hard and money is tight, but with some sponsorship and clever thinking, I am convinced this city would benefit big time from improvements.

Others manage it, why can’t we?

Richard A Jacob, Shirley, Southampton.