Tory councilor Allan Glass suggested we shouldn’t spend more than we earn.

What advice to give to a city with an expanding trade in food banks and payday loans due to his government’s savage attack on wages that have shrunk by nine per cent since 2008.

Inequality is no accident but a direct result of the conscious policies of this government, which has made ordinary people pay for the bailout of the banks and this stagnating economic system, that provides a boom for billionaires and growing misery for the rest.

Walk down Southampton precinct past West Quay, and see global brands staffed by workers on low pay and zero-hour contracts, that make huge profits yet evade paying taxes.

I reject the inevitability of this, unlike Labour’s MPs and their councillors who remained silent as cuts were made.

Austerity has failed and must be rejected.

We give our full support to anti-cuts councilors Keith Morrell and Don Thomas in voting against council cuts and call on Labour councillors to show their mettle and do the same.

Just three months from a new government, why inflict more damage on the city, if you intend to reverse the cuts made since 2010?

We need MPs and councillors who will fight for the majority. TUSC will.