IN the light of recent exposures, how can the ‘working’ class have faith in the democratic system that is supposed to exist in this country?

People like myself who worked all hours for years, and have been taxed on their earnings, whether or not you consider purchase tax, or as is now called VAT, as a genuine deduction, now are taxed on their pensions whether large or small.

Meanwhile while some people are struggling, large organisations, socalled media stars etc, leading politicians and every other large earner are salting away their earnings, either by foreign banks or by the wiles of lawyers.

It seems that every means of avoiding tax is exploited by anyone who can get away with it. If you are a registered employee the tax people know where you are and you won’t get away with a thing. Is there out there somewhere a decent politician who will take on this problem, or are they hamstrung by the system?

This country’s balance of payments could almost be paid by these tax avoiders. What of conscience? What a laugh, where money is concerned it doesn’t exist.

Oh for a perfect world!

ALAN BLANDFORD, Arnheim Road, Southampton.