Regarding Michael Windebank’s letter (Letters, February 2) about the wheelie bins in Southampton, what happened to the ruling Southampton City Council were going to make that leaving your wheelie bin out would result in a fixed penalty fine?

The council is always complaining about a shortage of money – surely this is the best opportunity for them to make money for our untidy city?

Make a fixed penalty for leaving your wheelie bin out after collection day! For an example, yesterday my friend and I counted wheelie bins left on the pavement covering the length of the Burgess Road area in Southampton. We couldn’t believe it – over 100 (and it was not collection day).

Southampton City Council could create a few jobs here – “Wheelie Sheriffs” to patrol Southampton, giving people opportunities to remove their wheelies from the pavements or pay a fine.

I bet you would see hundreds of bins disappear overnight should this be put into action!

Please, Southampton City Council, listen to us. Our city is untidy and needs some TLC.

The council could use all the monies collected to maybe employ more cleaners for our city.

MRS. J. WESTON, Southampton.