With the General Election just weeks away, with all main political parties fighting for TV airtime and column space in our newspapers and with party-political leaflets dropping on doormats, it would be only to easy to overlook the local elections taking place on the same day, May 7.

Local elections are essential.

It’s the only voice local people have so whoever you send to Westminster make sure you choose to elect someone who will fight on the council and raise the issues that matter to you, who will fight and campaign alongside you, for your neighbourhood, and for our city, putting people first rather than whatever their party orders them to do, blindly following party-political dogma.

The challenges ahead in our neighbourhoods and our city are immense with over 500 Southampton city council jobs wiped out.

The inevitable has resulted: more graffiti, fly-tipping and litter, less cutting of our grass verges, no more regular pruning of bushes and hedges.

We all continue to pay yet our roads and streets are now only being cleaned once every two months.

No longer do we have the City Patrol, we also have fewer neighbourhood wardens to keep on top of everyday clean-ups in our communities.

We are living through a time whensome of the very people putting themselves forward to represent you locally are signed up to the dismantling of local government, closing down council care homes, respite centres, libraries and leisure facilities, not willing to put up a fight whether on the council or campaigning with you on your streets.

Electing the right person can help prevent the running down of your neighbourhood. Picking the right person can help save your facilities from closure.

Don’t believe anyone who says “we have no choice”.

Whovever you send to Westminster in May, make sure you choose someone who will fight on the city council.

Independent councillor Don Thomas, Coxford Ward, Southampton City Council.