DRIP, drip, drip, the EU hour glass is nearly full and the UK, as a nation state, will finally be consigned to the history books. Indeed, this country will not even be a member state. The European Union will become just an administrative mass controlled from Brussels.

On May 3, voters will be entitled to determine which political party, or independent candidate, should represent their ward in Southampton.

Each person entitled to vote should ask their candidates which flags they support? The Union Flag flown over Civic Centre and at sporting events, etc, and the Red Ensign proudly flown by British ships, ore replaced by the European flag?

Our national flags, over the centuries, symbolise the freedoms presently enjoyed by the British. The proposed EU flag symbolises subjugation's imposed upon us from the EC in Brussels.

If you are intending to vote in the May council elections do make sure that your preferred candidate supports the British way of life and let the Union Flag continue to fly proudly over the Civic Centre.

KIM ROSE, Southampton.