I was frankly astounded by James Wyatt’s opinion of Nigel Farage’s performance in the recent live TV debate, in which he claims that Mr Farage gave ‘good, honest, answers’ (Letters: 9th April).

Honesty is hardly a quality one would normally attribute to Mr Farage; it should not be forgotten that this virulently-outspoken Europhobe nonetheless stood for election to the European Parliament, along with other like-minded cronies in his party, and that it was only the votes of the disillusioned and the credulous (not to say the deluded) which actually succeeded in getting him and others like him there.

That UKIP MEPs exist at all (a contradiction in terms by any standards) is nothing less than a travesty, given their blatant hypocrisy in drawing an MEP’s salary for doing as little as possible, other than being ‘cuckoos in the nest’; not for nothing have they earned a reputation for being amongst the laziest MEPs in Europe!

That Ukippers appear to experience no sense of shame at any of this clearly demonstrates, beyond any reasonable doubt, the complete and utter lack of principles of any kind on the part of their party.

It would seem that UKIP has perfected the art of ‘doublethink’, a concept featured in George Orwell’s ‘1984’, in which lies are truth and vice-versa.

Yours faithfully, Linda Nadolny, Secretary, Hampshire Branch, The European Movement (UK).