LEADING Liberal Democrat Richard Grant (December 24) displays an optimism worthy of Dr Pangloss if he truly thinks the Liberals are going to become the third largest party any time soon.

At present the Lib Dems, with just eight MPs, are the equal fourth party in the House of Commons, along with the Democratic Unionists. Both lag far behind the SNP which was returned after the election with 56 MPs.

Mr Grant’s foolish attempt to gloss over the fact that the Liberals’ election result did not work out as anticipated is on a par with the late Emperor of Japan who, at the end of World War Two, said: “The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage”

But what else can you expect from the foremost Liberal Democrat in the New Forest, who bizarrely opines that nearly half of SNP Members of Parliament are “NOT Believers” of independence for Scotland?

Colin Smith

Totton Branch, New Forest East Conservatives