WE’VE seen so many instances of cold calling reported in recent weeks, from Warsash to Portchester, in the news and via the neighbourhood alerts. It’s time something was done about it.

Everyone knows someone who has had a bad experience with a cold caller.

It’s time we created new 'no cold calling zones' that were legally, and properly, enforceable.

There is absolutely no need for cold calling in this day and age (and probably not in a previous age either).

If you want a good or a service, you’ll get it done yourself. You don’t want someone turning up on your doorstep, putting you under pressure to buy at a time that’s probably not good for you, and at a price that might not even be competitive.

Often it is single or vulnerable people who are specifically targeted.

The 'No Cold Calling' window and door stickers are generally quite effective and I think that a big rollout of those would be a good place to start, as part of a more long term plan to eradicate cold calling.

Tom Davies, Fareham East Conservatives