I WISH the local lottery winners a happier life and that they will be able to cope with thousands of begging letters heart rendering appeals from major Charities, and enterprising car sales people knocking on their door.

Aged 83 and a youth leader for 55 years , I believe there is no greater reward in life in devoting one’s time and energy to the advancement and future of British youth.

In 2011 I was diagnosed as suffering from dementia and believe by active involvement with the youth charity The Young Explorers Foundation (New Forest) has kept my dementia not only stable, but has seen improvement.

Money can not bring contentment of soul, that not having to work and able to purchase anything your heart desires will loose your zest for life.

If I had a big lottery win, I would found a charitable foundation named after my late wife, it would be to fund the thousands of small charities, where there are no high paid staff.

In the 19th century wealthy businessmen Northern mill owners and industrialists founded charities which were investment of capital, and are still active long after they died.

They have achieved immortality as their names lives on through the work of their charitable foundation.

What a pity the people like Mr Green and bankers earning millions do not do the same.

Alas alack the Lottery Big win will never come my way.

Captain Philip Pearce-Smith MBE, Holbury