AFTER a recent stay in the Royal Hospital Haslar, I would like to compliment the hospital on the wonderful treatment I received.

There is no MRSA in the hospital!

It has dedicated cleaners to each ward.

The staff have manners and courtesy, plus compassion.

There are excellent surgeons.

I could go on but I will not, suffice to say with something that works so well what would you do but close it!

It is due to shut in two years' time but has anyone done their sums regarding this closure?

I am talking about the number of beds lost, relocation of the staff etc.

Surely common sense must rule here and the NHS appreciate the value of this facility, not only the resale value of the site with all its listed buildings but the benefits to the community, and that is us.

This hospital must stay open for its intended use - a hospital.

DEREK BREED, Horseshoe Bridge, Southampton.