I SEE that yet again we have been granted a screed from planet Burley on a ridiculous view of our Brexit from the corrupt EU.

The fact that we are trillions of pounds in debt is due completely to our stupid membership of the EU.

The fact that millions of those resident in the UK did not vote does not give their vote to the remoaners, it means they were either not allowed to vote on this issue, or more likely just couldn’t be bothered.

Our education system is behind many other countries, but before we joined the Common Market we were much higher up the league table, as we could afford to put our taxes where they belonged.

The access he quotes to the EU is meaningless, we were quite able to work in Europe before we joined the Common Market, and people from all over the world were able to work here, many in the NHS.

So to leave the EU and revert to the position we were in before will not be to the doom and gloom promised by the remoaners, just to a mathematical improvement in the numbers coming here from the EU to take our youngsters jobs.

We also had many UK residents living in Europe before and Europeans living here, although nowhere near as many of the latter.
The view granted on our financial viability after we leave the EU is just as stupid.

When we commence proper trading again with the Commonwealth, we disgracefully turned our backs on to join the Common Market, we will pretty soon be a major part of the biggest trading block in the world, just as we used to be.

It is also ridiculous to worry about any deals that need to be done when article 50 is exercised, the fact that we buy more from the EU than they from us will mean they will be very keen to protect their market.

His comments on Farage are also ludicrous, but what can you expect from someone who claims that the party that supported right wing policies on the bedroom tax and student union fees is middle of the road.

The only party with middle of the road policies is UKIP, and if we do not get what the people voted for with Brexit, the only one the ordinary person will be able to elect next time around.

Alan Kebbell, Southampton.