YOUR writer Mr Jacob has hit the nail squarely on the head when he criticises the lack of a park and ride in Southampton.

It is utterly ludicrous to think cycle tracks will do anything other than create even slower traffic to avoid the bewildering habits of even more cyclists. 

Why does Southampton council just continually ignore the park and ride option?

Perhaps they are intent on becoming the number one polluted city? It’s hard to think of another major city without such a facility, let alone one with Southampton’s dismal pollution problem. 

I am quite confident however that they will not respond to this letter (or issue), but seriously, for how much longer can they remain so backward, so shortsighted and so silent on such an obvious, essential and long overdue, but clearly sensible, proposal?

Time for the Echo to demand some meaningful response from them maybe?

RJ Barton, Chandler’s Ford.