We keep reading about all the kind and good work done by animal charities and rescue centres who are in turn asking us to provide homes for unwanted pets such as cats and dogs.

When I was a boy, you would see notices in shop windows saying, "Free to a good home" to help house kittens or puppies but due to adverse publicity, like so many other issues these days, it is assumed we are all going to be potentially bad or cruel owners!

Then you have private sellers who ask ridiculous prices for pets they don't want!

In reality, there are far too many domestic pets due to our lifestyles.

Gone are the days when children, if they behaved themselves, would be given a pet to look after.

Gone are the days, in some areas, of people having a reasonable sized garden.

Gone are the days of being allowed to let your dog run free and do what comes naturally, a poo.

Even here in the New Forest, dogs are not particularly welcomed and must be on a lead even in the quietest of roads in favour of the car driver! Then people complain about speeding!

Town and rural life is not what it use to be, not just for people but also for pets.

When I was boy, I would take our dog for long walks and be out for hours. I never now see youngsters out with a dog. Just the older generation who themselves also want a breath of air and some exercise.

Until when people stop going off on endless holidays and consistently using the car, I doubt that pets will come back into being part of the family life.

In the meantime, if any reader is moving house or going abroad and want to re-house a cat. We have lots of garden here and are willing to provide a home for one, but not at a silly price.