WHEN the next electoral roll is published, might it be an idea to identify, with an asterisk those who did not vote at previous elections?

This would help candidates to identify them, resulting, hopefully, in appropriate follow-up action. For example, a letter to non-voters.

Additionally, credit-listing agencies, when they obtain electoral rolls, region by region, would have an indication of the civic interests and sense of responsibility, or lack of it, by non-voters. It could affect their credit ratings.

Readers will of course know that when they cast their vote, which is secret, whether at polling stations or by postal vote, their name and address is recorded as having voted. It should therefore be possible to run through future electoral roll to determine who voted.

Interest in national and local politics is falling fast. In the 1950s voting was running at about 70 per cent. Today local elections may generate 35 per cent and for general elections a few percentage points higher.

More and more EU directives are impacting upon national and local politics. For the better part MPs and councillors are there to rubber stamp such directives.

MIKE COTTRELL, UK Independence Party.