I'M amused by the plea from Tory councillor, Chris Lagdon, that cyclists should not be made a party political football, (In my view October 17). He uses the same column to have several digs at our parliamentary spokesman.

In fact, Terry Scriven, is right to call for a better deal for cyclists, especially in Totton.

The Conservatives promised us a proper cycleway along Salisbury Road. All we got was some crazy markings on the road itself, the same stretch of tarmac that is used by all other traffic, including HGV's.

The other major road that runs through Totton is Ringwood Road and this is equally dangerous, with no facilities for cyclists.

Few local people would risk negotiating Rumbridge Street, The High Street, Junction Road or Commercial Road on two wheels.

I'm sorry Chris, but Terry Scriven has got this absolutely right.

David Harrison, town, district and county councillor, Totton.