THE Liberal Democrats are showing their true colours, that is, neither liberal, nor democratic. Their leadership contest has shown them to be THE ruthless and nasty party. Some of us who have suffered at their hands have known this for years.

Poor Ming Cambpell was sacrificed just because of his age, the popular Kennedy was stabbed in the back, when he needed help, and now the two leadership hopefuls are busy slinging mud at each other. I have been attacked viciously by their local workers, who have spun ludicrous stories, and written cruel and hurtful articles about me. They say one thing on one doorstep (to get a vote) and the opposite on another (to get that vote).

They cannot stomach real democracy and work fanatically to remove any opposition. The local councils have become a "rubber stamping" exercise with all their decisions ready made before the meetings even start.

I hope that we voters will not be conned again and that local Liberals will develop a sense of fair play and stop the spinning. I also hope that Liberal candidates at the next elections will not let their leaders write such poisonous and hate filled propaganda in their name. Last year I met some of the winning Lib Dems who were ashamed and embarrassed with the content of the election material written in their name.

J HALL, Southampton