I FEEL it was wrong of the Echo to place the photo's of the teenage mother-to-be on the front page of the Echo, November 13 as if she was some sort of celebrity.

I could not understand her statement, I quote "I never thought it would happen to me". You don't do you, how naive. If you are having sex, and not taking the Pill, what else do you expect?

I do understand that her parents are being supportive of her. But what about the 14-year-old father? Will he support the child when it is born? Or will the young girl become another teenage mother, on benefit that the rest of society has to look after?

I had to smile at the statement on page 16 of the Echo under the headline "Our Pregnant Teens", I quote: The experts in Southampton agree on one thing, the reason for teenage pregnancies are complex.

The reason for teenage pregnancies is simple! It's having sex! Why is this, that's the complex question! Could this be down to all our sex education in schools at a very early age? Back in our school days, in the 1930s-40s, sex was taboo! And I am sure there were very few, if any, teenage mothers or, under-age sex.

It reminds me of the saying "Ignorance is bliss".

PS I do hope this baby does not ruin this young girl's life! I wish her well.

A W HANLON, Harefield