MY mother's funeral procession was going down Mortimer's Lane, Fair Oak, in the early afternoon.

A young man was walking up the lane with a pushchair and a toddler by his side and when the hearse passed him he stood still and bowed his head.

This was truly a wonderful mark of respect from someone who couldn't possibly have known my mother, but his actions that day were very much appreciated by my family.

So if you are that young man - thank you very much. You have restored my faith in today's young people.

MRS C J WARD, Fair Oak.

Such kindness I WOULD like to thank the wonderful people who came to the aid of my wife when she fell on the escalator at the WestQuay Shopping Centre.

If it not been for two or three people who broke her fall she could have sustained a serious injury.

The security people who also came to her aid were really wonderful and helpful.

She was shaken up at the time but with the help of all these lovely people she soon recovered.

W E LEWIS, Portswood, Southampton.