IN response to the letter Disabled Drivers Often Don't Use Common Sense (March 13), I find Miss Edwards's comments very inconsiderate.

It is not only disabled drivers, but drivers in general who are inconsiderate.

My father has motor neurone disease and is 100 per cent reliant on his powered wheelchair.

Vehicles are constantly parked blocking the dropped kerbs that he needs, vehicles also blocking pavements and his powered wheelchair will not fit. He cannot use the road as his powered wheelchair cannot be pushed down a high kerb and therefore is stuck.

Also, there is a huge problem with able-bodied people using the disabled bays who do not display a disabled badge, so disabled parking has to be on double-yellow lines, as more space is needed generally for wheelchairs to manoeuvre in and out of the vehicle.

My dad suffers from people rolling their eyes at him as he gets out the car which is very upsetting indeed as his condition is obvious.

People push past and run in front of his powered wheelchair, so please choose your words carefully Miss Edwards; you should try being in my dad's shoes for one day and then you may perhaps understand the challenges termally ill and disabled people face.

All drivers, not just disabled often don't use common sense.

MRS DIANE HEALEY, Shirley, Southampton.