WHEN will Southampton City Council begin working for the people it supposedly represents?

It the last decade we have been given nothing but have lost many things. We need to restore pride in our city. Invest in an ice rink, not more houses that take our gardens and city corners, causing more traffic problems.

We do not need any more shops. Some of those we have are so similar that a minute is long enough in them.

The council should re-instate the bird aviary. Build one like they have in Portsmouth so that our children can enjoy it.

Stop causing more gridlock on the roads. The narrowing of lanes increases congestion. A six-year-old could have done better designing the ridiculous new signs.

Some pavements slope, like those in the Avenue, and you can slip on them in the rain.

Stop the beggars intimidating us, build a proper air-sea museum and reduce our council tax.

C CHAPLIN, Bitterne, Southampton.