WITH news of the anticipated increase in the use of Southampton Airport, I wonder if those people living in houses directly beneath the flight paths, or near to, are getting, or can expect to get some form of substantial reduction in their council tax?

Planes taking off from and landing at Eastleigh are not very far above houses in their flight paths, especially in some areas of Southampton.

One anticipates that the fabric of those houses, not to mention the health of residents in them, must be seriously affected over a period of time, by considerable air turbulence, engine and fuel fumes and exceedingly high noise.

One also expects that selling any property beneath or near to regular flight paths will become increasingly difficult, particularly with a higher volume of traffic.

Can someone clarify just what help or consideration is forthcoming from the appropriate authorities in recognition of this seriously developing problem?

Obviously my concern is in respect of the local airport but there are many expanding airports throughout the UK creating similar circumstances.

COLIN CAIN, secretary, UKIP Southampton.