IN March 2003, New Forest East MP Dr Julian Lewis voted for the war on Iraq.

Given the size of the rebellion within Labour's ranks and unanimous opposition by Lib Dem MPs, Tony Blair was only able to take us to war through the almost total support of the Tory parliamentary party. I watched intently at the time as I was a member of the Regular Army Reserve of officers and liable for deployment.

Sadly, as recently as December 2007, Dr Lewis failed to support a motion in Parliament in respect of the upgrading of service accommodation and greater provision for mental health and medical care for service personnel. So, it is with pleasure that I congratulate him on his recent visit to our servicemen and women in Iraq, now they have been withdrawn to the Basra airbase.

Many reading my letter will agree that we went to war for the wrong reasons and probably due to misleading information.

Commenting on this war can be very distressing for those who have lost loved ones, friends or colleagues.

It is also of importance, whatever we feel about the war and its aftermath, that care is taken not to undermine the achievements of our brave service personnel.

However, now that we are mainly involved in training of the Iraqi army and police, it is possible to call for a thorough investigation or public inquiry into the war without adversely impacting on the morale of our troops who may continue to be in Iraq for some time.

If such visits as that undertaken by Dr Lewis are to be worth anything they must yield results.

The time is right for Dr Lewis to admit he was wrong in voting for what many have claimed to be an unlawful war and join me in my call for a thorough investigation into the war.

COL TERRY SCRIVEN, Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate, New Forest East.