THERE is nothing more reassuring than seeing democracy in action. Locally this rag-tag bunch of opportunists, both Liberal Democrat and Labour, were shown the door by Southampton's electorate. But make no mistake; this was not democracy in action.

It is sobering to see a Conservative administration, that regardless of your persuasion, cannot be denied a mandate to lead locally. However, a mandate obtained on a turnout of 30.8 per cent is hardly a victory.

During this campaign I failed to see a single candidate out on the stump, nor was publicity forthcoming through my letter box. Only the reports in this newspaper gave any indication of the policy positions being put forward and I suspect the turnout closely matches the Daily Echo's readership.

This new administration should focus on one thing only. A referendum for an elected mayor. The rest is icing on an otherwise stale cake beneath.

If the council leads on this, I will change 18 years of voting behaviour and vote Tory for the first time, to deliver a mechanism for local Government that truly reflects the will of the people.

JASON MURPHY, Shirley, Southampton.