I would like to believe that Prof Newton's assurance (Letters, May 3) that the fluoridation consultation will be a fair process but I doubt it.

The Government-funded York Review in 2000 did not support fluoridation but you would not believe that as Professor Trevor Sheldon angrily complained; "In my capacity of chair of the Advisory Group for the systematic review on the effects of water fluoridation recently conducted by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination the University of York, I am concerned that the results of the review have been widely misrepresented. It is particularly worrying that statements which mislead the public about the review's findings have been made in press releases and briefings by the British Dental Association, the British Medical Association, the National Alliance for Equity in Dental Health and the British Fluoridation Society."

If you could do that to him what will you do to our opinion especially as you are employing Trimedia an International PR company to aid you?

BILL EDMUNDS, Hampshire Against Fluoridation.