MR Burke! You call my letter defending Ford jobs “highly amusing” (December 27). Please don’t undermine letters defending British jobs! Ford watches for solidarity. I’m sure you didn’t mean to show that but simply got carried away attacking UKIP and praising the EU. The EU destroys the right to work. It gives away British jobs as bribes to help annex cheap-labour states. Hence Britain’s open EU borders policy! “Between globalism and isolationism there is extensive middle ground”, Economist. The EU is more globalist than isolationist. EU-globalists (including Ford bosses) are betraying Britain by sacrificing millions of jobs to help annex Eastern Europe and Turkey. Bring back the USSR (at least Article 118 guaranteed the right to work)! Or leave the EU as UKIP says! UKIP Eastleigh has delivered 5,000 “Save the Transit” leaflets promoting the independent online petition

Pete Stewart, 20 years Tory, 14 years UKIP.