OF course Richard Grant is right (letters May 27) in as much that UKIP MEP’s are not there in Brussels to help members of other parties. Why should they be when they are all heading in the opposite direction we (UKIP) wish to go?

No, they are there to get us out of the mess others have placed this country in with their tunnel vision on Europe, the ones Richard Grant refers to as those who want it to work.

If it hasn’t worked in the 30-plus years we’ve been members, why should it suddenly work now?

Of course he is not the first one by any stretch of the imagination to knock our party, he obviously enjoys the situation this country is in today and I’m not talking about the recession, that’s a global issue.

I’m talking about the financial situation this country is facing compared with most other Western powers as we go into this global decline.

This country has been led down the garden path not only by our politicians and bankers (the selling of most of our gold reserve for instance) but by many other European countries who I will not mention by name.

Watching the politics programme, I was aghast by the millions of pounds it is costing just to run and keep open the EU parliament building in Strasburg even though it is used for just a minimal period each year.

It was also nice to see Nigel Farage sticking up for our country and speaking a few honest words.

And where is all this money going (or disappearing)? Probably as with our banks, to line the pockets of some fat cat backroom boys no doubt, certainly not into British workers (or pensioners) pockets.

Richard Grant talks about the Liberal Democrats having everything to win, I can’t personally see them or anyone winning much for a few years to come.

L A O’BEE, Southampton.