I am pleased to hear that the lead of the Conservatives over Labour has narrowed, because in my opinion, we do not want a Tory Government nor yet again another one of New Labour. The two are so alike, it is rather frightening.

Next year, we have the opportunity to finally have a change. We have had over 100 years of bad management from our leaders, paid for by you and me.

They have taken us into battles, recessions, and Bankruptcy because none of them have been realistic.

Thankfully we have the Lisbon Treaty issue settled and without any doubt, we are not going to pull out of Europe. Please remember we have always been Europeans, throughout history. The UKIP only became popular as a protest vote from people who believe propaganda, not the facts. BNP are so out of date, living in a world of non existence. No other Party leader needs to have body guards. Respect, I suspect has had its day. English Democrats, again are living in the past.

But more importantly, the Greens. Here is a Party who care about the environment, which is fine. But they have no other real policies. Once Caroline Lucas has gone, is there anyone else willing to be their leader?

One thing for sure, for decades, the Liberal Democrats have been at times out-spoken and not going with the flow of media opinion. However, the point is, they have in many cases, been proven right. Worse of all, the other Political Parties will pinch their policies.

The Liberals and The Whigs (former Liberals) have held Government and surely this is now again their turn ..

The proposals of a Mansion Tax, is not workable and I strongly suspect will be axed or looked at again. The idea that everyone in a property worth over £1 million, is wealthy is a nonsense. The fair solution, is income tax. The richer you are, the more you will pay, at source. Don't tax assets and savings, it is unfair.

None of the Political Parties have announced they will scrap the Home Information Pack, which has without doubt held back the property market.

The more property on the market, creates competition and holds down prices. A shortage , adds to inflation. The H.I.P has stopped a number of people placing their homes onto the market.

Should David Milliband, become leader of the Labour Party, can you honestly see much difference between him and David Cameron.

We already have a Conservative Speaker, John Bercow, married to a potential Labour Councillor.

The Liberal Democrats know full well, we as a Country can not operate outside of the EU. The Euro ,as a currency is here to stay. Europe is just the other end of the Channel Tunnel. It is a total nonsense to believe we could ever stand alone. This Country needs modernising, not by techknowledgy and a building problem, but through co-operation and up to date Laws which do extend beyond our shores.

Finally, the argument of over population of the UK., it is the worlds population which is growing. Well in excess of 6 billion people and we need access to all of it, not necessarily to live, but to use resources. Best locations for energy production, replanting rain forests, making deserts fertile. To simply grab taxes from us, to hand over to criminal classes is no good. We need to negotiate co-operate, invest in other Countries, so that 'we all' benefit.

Richard Grant, Burley