I’M sure many of our local road users have noticed a decline in the standards of vehicle use on our roads in the past few years.

It doesn’t matter what vehicle you are in or on, there always seems to be someone ready to put you in a position of danger.

I feel it’s only a matter of time before we see yet another serious “accident”, but the fact is that much, even the majority, is completely avoidable.

So I appeal to my fellow cyclists – please don’t ride on the pavements, or unlit at night.

Motorists, give pedestrians and cyclists a chance, drop your speed to sensible levels to allow us to establish if it is safe to cross and please stop when we’re already walking on the zebra crossing. (I have lost count of the number of drivers who will speed up at you).

Please don’t park on pavements or overtake cyclists in silly places with less than three feet.

Pedestrians, please take out your ipod and stop, look and listen before you cross. Don’t take that chance around the buses, please don’t walk in the cycle lanes.

If we all just do the sensible thing life on the roads will become so much easier for us all, certainly safer and more pleasant.

There is still a need, however, for the really bad and incompetent to be dealt with more strongly than they have, as no one is holding those people to account.

DJ COOK, Southampton.