SOUTHAMPTON City Council (SCC) and the police agree students and young people can have fun clubbing around Bedford Place till 4am; it’s a lively area.

When young people come out of clubs, they are hungry. A kebab supplies a cheap, nutritious meal, as do the other take-away food shops in Bedford Place. But the kebab shops have to close at 11.30, although the demand is between 2am and 4am.

The same arguments SCC and the police use to refuse permission to open after 11.30pm to Caspian Kebabs could be applied to all the clubs too – so they should all close at 11.30pm every night. If the early closing is enforced I expect SCC and the police to lobby tirelessly to close all clubs in the area at 11.30pm sharp.

Why should club owners be allowed to make a living supplying music and drinks till 4am, yet the same young people who go to the clubs can’t buy a kebab?

Kebab shop owners are not allowed to make a living for themselves and their families, while club owners are.

It’s illogical and inconsistent.

Aren’t we grateful that someone is prepared to work such unsociable hours, and supply a meal at a good price for hungry revellers?

A VINES, Wallingford, Oxfordshire.