I SEEM to have been banging my head against a brick wall for some time now, trying to convince anyone who would listen that the quickest way to get the nation back on its financial feet is to build desperately needed social housing.

This would not only lower the unemployment rate but is selffinancing through rental income.

I see that others, higher up the chain, are now saying much the same. Although this is a step in the right direction I doubt it will happen under a Government that clearly puts the interests of its rich property-owning party donors before those of the nation.

The reason for this is that a significant increase in the availability of affordable rented homes will lead to a decrease in the value of property and the high rents charged by private landlords, and although in the short term house values will also affect the ordinary one home owner, in the long term their children and grandchildren will be able to either afford to purchase their own homes or to rent at a reasonable cost, something we once had under a former caring Tory Government.

This would then enable responsible couples to have their offspring at an age more amenable to bearing and raising children.

The only losers from this strategy would be the rich property owners who are at present receiving far too much of the nation’s housing benefit payments. This money would be far better used by local authorities if encouraged to build council homes.

ALAN KEBBELL, Southampton.