REGARDING the report published in the Daily Echo about Victory Gospel Church in North Baddesley, we wish to point out that, while we were obviously concerned about planning matters, the main aim of the campaign by descendants of the founder and those who had connections with the church in its first 100 years was because we believed the minister and trustees had no right to claim ownership and make monetary gain by demolishing the church and building houses to fund their move to Southampton.

The original church was built by William Smith in 1887 on land owned by him. His will leaving it to his descendants, stated it should never be sold and always used for Christian worship.

The church was maintained, enlarged, a hall, facilities and car park added, so that the value today with the exception of one small building is the result of commitment and donations by village congregations.

In 1990 problems arose in the ministry. There was a split in the church with many leaving to form the True Life Church, hiring the local school hall and continuing their ministry to this village. Those left at the church have had the FREE use of it while focusing their ministry in Southampton enabling them to grow to a congregation of over 400 with a healthy income.

We had hoped they would be thankful and vacate the building and, if as stated on their website, the church was somehow “gifted” to them in 1999 (we did ask them for a copy of the Deed of Gift) they in turn should “gift” it back for the the purpose for which it was built.

We did not receive a reply to any of our letters or requests.

MRS G M J CALLOW (and other Smith family descendants), address supplied.