REGARDING the consultation about the Helius biomass plant in Southampton , yes, a consultation is a splendid idea . . . but only if the citizens of Southampton are properly informed on this project.

For instance, are we all aware that the air quality in Freemantle, Millbrook and surrounding neighbourhoods is already extremely poor? This area is already an AQMA (Air Quality Management Area) because of the high level of nitrogen dioxide.

Furthermore, Freemantle and Millbrook are Southampton NHSdesignated “priority neighbourhoods”, meaning that health issues and life expectancy there fall below the national average.

The power generation plant, situated only 250 metres from houses, with infant schools nearby, would cause even further deterioration of air quality, inflicting an even higher level of asthma and other respiratory illnesses on the community.

There’s also other forms of pollution and stress: 24/7 thunderous noise of lorries, conveyor belts and a turbine generator; a monumental eyesore and constant worry of knowing you are only 250 metres from a possible massive explosion and fire, as happened at Tilbury docks burning the same kind of fuel.

So the choice is simple: complicity with Helius, further depriving a community of its human right to clean air or solidarity with our neighbours in Freemantle, Millbrook and Shirley who are fighting for air.

We trust the citizens of Southampton, when informed, will make the right choice.

J STEVENS, Southampton.