LIBERAL Democrat letter-writer Richard Grant (Letters, August 3) wants to ban car use on Sundays and restrict shop hours. And, he would like to see a four-day working week, which would be great for the country’s GDP at a time we are basically bust.

His fellow Liberal letter-writer, David Harrison, is on record in the Daily Echo as saying our love affair with the car is “unfortunate”, that we need even higher taxes on fuel and that petrol and diesel engines should be consigned to museums.

Don’t this duo realise car owners are not milchcows to be raided by cash-hungry politicians? Their cars are necessities not luxuries, especially in rural areas or where public transport is non-existent.

Incidentally, will they explain why the Liberal Democrats couldn’t be bothered to field a candidate at the recent Milford on Sea District Council byelection (won by the Conservatives )? And failed to put forward a candidate for the election of Hampshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner?