MR O’Bee’s comments show that he has little understanding of the efforts that have been put in by the voluntary group Friends of Southampton Old Cemetery (FOSOC) who have been working hard over past years to prevent the Cemetery turning into a jungle.

Simple path clearing and grass cutting do little to restrict the growth of bramble which will quickly completely cover large areas preventing access to those relatives who wish to visit. Ivy growth will cover a grave stone and cause it to snap off at its base in a high wind.

During the winter storms much damage has been caused to a number of graves due to ivy growth and falling trees which could have been prevented.

This after all is a cemetery containing many war graves and protected monuments of historical interest and as such should be treated with the respect it deserves.

Perhaps Mr O’Bee should attend one of the interesting cemetery tours conducted by FOSOC and he would gain a better understanding of the importance of this Victorian Cemetery to the history of Southampton and its previous residents.

CHRIS HINDS, Southampton.