THIS is a production that emphasises the drama and power of the underlying story as much as the musical numbers, and director Julie Edwards has drawn out some excellent performances.

The impressive set, designed by Dave Francis, which placed the orchestra squarely in the middle of the action, allowed fluidity and a dynamic use of the auditorium space. There were some well judged dramatic moments and set-pieces.

What seven-year-old Phoebe Venturi lacked in experience she made up for in enthusiasm, creating an endearing and vulnerable Oliver. There were some excellent supporting performances: Dominic Bolton and Elizabeth Rowland as Mr Bumble and Widow Corney and Tom Hopgood as Dodger deserve particular mention.

Rebecca Jelley (Nancy) finely balanced the tough/vulnerable persona and worked well with Will Jones, a truly terrifying Sykes. Rowan Tolfts was nicely Machiavellian as Fagin.