BAGHDAD is experiencing troubling times: the evil Vizier will take control of the city unless Princess Jasmine is married before her 21st birthday.

However, help is at hand in the unlikely form of love-struck Ali Barber Junior, his dim-wit brother, Singbad, and their forthright mother, Dame Barber, as well as Ali’s mysterious friend, Bob, and a camel with more wits than them all put together!

This pantomime demonstrated the positive benefits of community theatre: bringing families and communities together to participate in theatrical productions supported by local audiences – especially entrancing one young lady, who took audience participation to a new level! The live band were melodious and the singing tuneful, with the company enthusiastic and the belly dancing particularly good.

Rita McDermott was terrific as a charismatic and highly entertaining Panto Dame, as were comic duo henchmen Steven and Freya Reynolds, while camel Humpy (AJ Bessant and Max Silver) stole every scene in which he appeared.