Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Otterbourne Village Hall Committee

This was Otterbourne’s 36th panto and I can assure you that they know every nuance required to put on a great show. What always impresses me is the community spirit. The adults invest in and nurture the younger members, both on and backstage and the audience turn out in force to support them. If you think community means sub-standard though, you’d be wrong – this group has talent.

The brightest stars for me were Nicky Williams as dippy Marigold, who captured her fidgety inner-child and the heart of Kevin Warne (Simple Simon) and the sight of Terry Revell (The Forest Fairy) in tights and tutu, is one I won’t forget in a hurry, despite trying my hardest to!

I’d like to mention everyone but I have a word limit and I absolutely have to comment on the excellent sets (Chris Williams and Luke Williams), the first-rate lighting (Bob Ball, Peter Gibbs, Ann Duggan) and the exceptional costumes (Kay Warne, Samantha Oldham, Vera Oldham).

Rebecca Case