
Young Theatre Royal

Theatre Royal, Winchester

Played out in real time, this intense 50-minute play focused on Antler, who opens proceedings by smashing her phone and climbing a tree in the park in an initially ill defined protest, and the six other teenagers whose lives intertwine with her over the evening.

Polly Perry's starkly beautiful set provided the perfect backdrop for the story, with its overarching discourse on what could be viewed the stark realities of adolescence from those passing through it.

Directed with perception by Anna Carr, the action was neatly choreographed, capturing well the shifting tones and nuances of the script.

This was a strongly acted ensemble production. Grace Murray was impressive as the central figure of Antler, the very embodiment of angst and uncertainty. Aiden Cashmore made an impression as her boyfriend Oil, whilst Jasper Sandys-Winsch was in scene stealing form as Desk.

Karen Robson