Curtain Call Review:

Punk Rock

Southampton University Students Union Theatre Group, The Annex Theatre

SIMON Stephens' 2009 play may have something to tell us about the way things are going, not just in the education system, as shown in the pressurised atmosphere of a private school's Sixth Form (Year 11 or 12 rather), but in our achievement oriented society in general.

New girl Lilly (Samena Brunning's nicely judged performance) meets a predictable though reasonably engaging bunch of classmates, but their language and ideas do not earn the punk rock tag. The boys - nervy, friendly William (Rob Bradshaw), intense, gauche Chadwick (Jonny Clark), cool Nicholas (Shihab Abdulgadir) and bullying but exciting Marcus (Bennet Francis) – fret and vie for attention, while the girls – Cissy (Flora Whitmarsh), Tanya (Phoebe Judd) and Lucy (Assistant Producer Rachel Harden) – observe ambitiously and assess their chances.

The violent ending seems more a swizz than a tragedy, though it may warn against fantasy crushing learning in real life.

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